
And The Beet Goes On....

Beets are an ancient food and this vegetable comes in a variety of hues.  They were originally cultivated for their greens.  It wasn't until much later that the root became as popular as their greens.  I have heard many say that they do not like beets.  If you have never had a fresh beet I challenge you to try eating a fresh beet.  Their is no comparison.  You may even prefer them raw.

If you follow my seasonal blog you may have noticed a trend.  When I blog about CSA food, I usually define the nutritional benefits as, "...one of the healthiest foods to eat."  Well, beets are no different.  They are a nutritional powerhouse and you should find a way to eat them!!  Like other vegetables,  beets have some pretty amazing health benefits specific only to it (phytonutrients).  So as to keep my blog manageable for you, I will be brief by listing the reasons you should eat beets directly quoting Dr. Mercola:

1.  Lower Your Blood Pressure- Drinking beet juice may help to lower blood pressure in a matter of hours.

2.  Boost Your Stamina- If you need a boost to make it through your next workout, beet juice may again prove valuable.

3.Fight Inflammation- may protect our bodies from environmental stress.

4.Anti-Cancer Properties- they contain phytonutrients that may help protect against cancer.

5.Rich in Valuable Nutrients and Fiber- Beets are high in immune-boosting vitamin C, fiber, and essential minerals like potassium, manganese, and folate.

6.Detoxification Support- beets are valued for their support in detoxification and helping to purify your blood and your liver.

To store beets, leave the tap root in tact but trim the greens about two inches from the top of the beet.  Store the greens and the root unwashed, separately, in a sealed plastic bag in the refrigerator.  The greens will keep for a few days and the beets for about a week.  It is important to separate the greens from the root or the greens will cause the root to dry out and shrivel up much quicker.

Beets can be eaten raw, steamed, boiled, baked, fried, grilled.  Add them to soups, salads, or eat them on their own.  Don't forget about the beet greens!!  It is recommended that the skin be left on if you are cooking beets.  Gently wash prior to cooking and once cooked the skin will rub right off.  This technique prevents the nutritious juices from cooking out of the beet.  If you are preparing raw beets, they will need to be peeled of course.  Please click on the recipes button below.

Thank you for reading my blog.

-Dawn Swope CHHC, AADP, BA











Cancer Fighting Collard Greens

Collards are a staple in the South and have become quite popular in grocery stores and local farms here in Connecticut.  When this cruciferous vegetable is prepared correctly they are not only an outstanding accompaniment to any meal, but are hugely beneficial to your health. Although collards can be braised, boiled, sautéed, the best way to maintain their amazing nutrients is to steam them until they are tender and bright green.

Collard Greens are low in calories and pack a 58% of the vitamin C,  44% of the folate, 41% of the manganese, and 27% of the calcium needed on a daily basis!  They are also high in magnesium, riboflavin, and vitamin B6.  More than any other vegetable, these greens can lower cholesterol.  Medical reports have shown that collard greens contain 4 little-heard-of glucosinolates, supporting the body's ability to fight off inflammatory toxins, helping lower cancer risks.  Collards offer more than most vegetables, but we still need to eat the rainbow. Every vegetable has it's own phytochemical(s) that make it special, but if collards are not in your diet a few times a week, they should be.  Eating collards will help your skin and nails, sleep and mood, digestion, and will help lower your risks of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.


Do not wash.  Store in a plastic bag in the refrigerator, preferably in your vegetable crisper drawer for 3-5 days of so.  If freezing, wash and cut, store in a freezer-safe container.


Separate the leaves from the bunch and wash them in a store bought produce wash or in a mixture of one part white vinegar to two parts water.  You will have to hand wash each leaf individually, dipping each leaf in the mixture or spraying each leaf, and rubbing the surface of each leaf.  Rinse thoroughly.  Collard greens can have tough stems; cut away the tough part. You can choose whether or not you want to remove the thick center vein;  I do not.  To remove the vein, simply fold each leaf in half lengthwise and tear or cut out the vein.  Stack several leaves on top of each other, roll the leaves together and slice into 1" pieces.  Now you are ready for cooking!  

Serving Suggestions copied directly from http://featherstonefarm.com/collards.html :
Boiled or pan-steamed greens are tasty seasoned with onion, garlic, and chopped fresh herbs such as mint, dill, and basil.
• Sauté collards with tofu, garlic, and red pepper flecks for a quick, nutritious, vegetarian meal.
• Serve collards with beans -- especailly black-eyed peas. An avant-garde approach to spring rolls and sushi: cooked collard greens with black-eyed peas and brown rice.
• Add chopped collards to soups and stews.
• Greens go especially well with ham, bacon, and pork fatback. Sauté chopped greens with a little bacon fat or a hunk of salt pork, sugar, and pepper. Splash liberally with hot pepper vinegar just before serving.
• The liquid left after slow-cooking collards with pork is extremely nutritious and delicious, the famed "pot liquor." Drink this broth on its own as a savory soup, or use it as you would vegetable stock.
• Try a vegetarian stew of collard greens, cabbage, sweet bell peppers, garlic, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, and hot red peppers, seasoned with molasses, vinegar, and seasoned salt.

Please click on the recipe button below.

Thank you for reading my blog.

-Dawn Swope CHHC, AADP



