Summer Squash Refresher

Zucchini and Yellow Squash are varieties of Summer Squash.  They can be used interchangeably in recipes. Each can be eaten raw, steamed, roasted, grilled, sauteed, etc.  They can be cut in half, hollowed out and stuffed.  So it is virtually impossible to tire of Summer Squash. 

In this newsletter I would like to discuss using the squash in it's raw state.  Raw, they can be added to a smoothie, giving texture, fiber, vitamins and minerals, a nutritional boost for only about 46 calories/cup.  In a smoothie the squash is undetectable.  They can be made into "pasta" using a vegetable spiralizer, adding to  a salad, can BE the salad, or as a raw side-dish.  The spiraled squash can be cooked and served with tomato sauce. They can be cut into chunks or julienne for a veggie platter or a snack.  You can add these squashes to just about anything, including dessert breads, savory breads, cakes, muffins. 

Have a look below at the nutritional value, similar for both varieties.  Be sure to add to your dishes for an extra boost of nutrition and texture.